South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance (SCMA)

The South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance is the only statewide organization dedicated exclusively to the interests of manufacturers. Its mission is to strengthen and advance South Carolina manufacturing by advocating for our members, fostering a world-class workforce, and bringing together manufacturers to connect, share, and solve industry challenges. The SCMA membership is comprised of more than 200 manufacturing companies that represent more than 100,000 associates in South Carolina.

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Katharine Keller

This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance (SCMA) events.

Event Details

This event celebrates opportunities and careers for women in manufacturing. The Palmetto Women's Manufacturing forum includes candid conversations, features dynamic speakers, and fosters new connections. This forum is perfect for engaging your company's next generation of leaders, employees who deserve special recognition, students, educators, and community partners.

Honoring 2024 SCMA Woman of the Year Award Recipient

Lindsay E. Leonard

Senior Director

Government Operations

The Boeing Company

Read biography


Standard Price$75

Presenting Sponsor

10 complimentary registrations
Reserved table at lunch
Company Logo on event material

Standard Price$5,000

Welcome Gift

5 registrations
Logo on event materials
Company-branded gift placed at each lunch setting

Standard Price$2,000

Table Sponsor

10 registration
Logo on event materials
Reserved lunch table

Standard Price$1,200

Sustaining Sponsor

10 registrations
Logo on event materials

Standard Price$2,000


May 17, 2024

Main Schedule

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Registration for those participating in the tour
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Nephron Tours (optional)
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Registration for those not participating in the tour
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Inspirational Female Leaders in Manufacturing Share Tips for Success in Life & in the Plant
Stacey Chapman (Vice President of Manufacturing - Textiles at Milliken & Company)
Stacey Chapman
Melanie Sabella (VP of Technical Services at Coca-Cola Consolidated)
Melanie Sabella
Amy Tinsley
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Luncheon with Keynote Speaker and Presentation of 2024 SCMA Woman of the Year
Lou Kennedy (President & CEO of Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation)
Lou Kennedy
Lindsay Leonard (Senior Director, Government Operations of The Boeing Company)
Lindsay Leonard


Stacey Chapman (Vice President of Manufacturing - Textiles at Milliken & Company)

Stacey Chapman

Vice President of Manufacturing - Textiles at Milliken & Company

Lou Kennedy (President & CEO of Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation)

Lou Kennedy

President & CEO of Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Lindsay Leonard (Senior Director, Government Operations of The Boeing Company)

Lindsay Leonard

Senior Director, Government Operations of The Boeing Company

Melanie Sabella (VP of Technical Services at Coca-Cola Consolidated)

Melanie Sabella

VP of Technical Services at Coca-Cola Consolidated

Amy Tinsley

Sponsors and Partners



Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation
12th Street Extension 4500
West Columbia, South Carolina

Contact us

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See route

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